Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Do you know? Interesting Facts

Scroll below to find most amazing interesting facts you may not know.
 1. Crane is the only bird with longest wing span that can fly.
 2. You are born with 300 bones but by the time you reach 18 you are left with only 206 bones.
 3. Bill Gates earns around Rs. 12,000 ($172) per second or Rs. 102 crores($1.46 million) in a day.
 4. 'TYPEWRITER' is the longest word that can be typed on from a single line of keyboard.
 5. Babies born before time are mostly left-handed.
 6. Neil Armstrong put his left foot on the moon and his heartbeat rate was 156 per minute at that time.
 7. Google launched its Gmail service on 01/04/2014.
 8. Full form of 'AMUL' is Anand Milk Union Limited
 9. Upto 17 BC, India was the richest country in the World.
 10. There are at least 6 identical person of your looks in this World and the possibility of meeting them is only 9%.
 11. Silk Worm can eat 86,000 times his weight in 56 days.
 12. Its impossible to sneeze with you eyes open.
 13. If you multiply 111,111,111 with 111,111,111 then the result will be 12,345,678,987,654,321
 14. The maximum height of a paper plane has been 226 feet. Its a World record.
 15. If you are in India then the maximum distance you are away from a temple is 7 kms.
 16. 'Honey' is the only substance eaten by humans which never expires.
 17. Only 11% of the people in the World eat with left-hand.
 18. In 1952, Albert Einstein was offered the position of President of Israel, but he declined.
 19. Weight of human brain is almost 1.4 kg
 20. 'Bhagat Singh' left home when his parents asked him to marry by saying that his 'Only Death is my Bride'. He then joined Hindustan Soccialist Republic Association.
 21. A cockroach can live for many weeks without his head.
 22. Nails of the fingers grow faster in the hand which is used to write.
 23. According to Psychologists 'If a person gets angry at small things then there is lack of love in his life'. So if you see an angry neighbor then 'Love thy Neighbor'
 24. 34% of Microsoft employees are of Indian nationality.
 25. 'TIME' magazine full form is The International Magazine of Events
 26. A small piece of chocolate in breakfast can keep your mood good for the whole day.
 27. All the stars we see in the sky at night are bigger and brighter than the 'Sun'
 28. When a baby is born, his/her parents lose 6 months of sleep in first 2 years.
 29. If you drop a battery from a height of 6 inches and it bounces once, then the battery is good and if it bounces more than once then either it is discharged or going to get discharged soon.
 30. If we listen to music with headphone for over 1 hours then the bacteria in our ears increase by 700 times. Bacteria loves Music ;)
 31. Heart of Blue Whale is as big as a 'Car' and weighs 590 kgs. It is the biggest in any living mammals.
 32. Probability of getting a Heart attack is maximum on 'Monday morning' and on 'Christmas Day'
 33. An 'Eagle' has eyes which is better than humans by 4 to 5 times. For humans the standards are 20/20 but for Eagle it is 20/4, meaning what a human can see from 20 feet, an Eagle can see it from 100 feet.
 34. A baby in womb only makes crying sound but sheds no tears in between 4 to 13 weeks.
 35. Switzerland announced 26th May as Science Day in honor of Mr. Abdul Kalaam, when he visited there.
 36. There is no blue colored fruit in the World, even the blue berries are of purple color.
 37. Every year there are 2 minutes which are of 61 seconds.
 38. Buttons on Mens shirt is on the right side and on the left on Womens shirt.
 39. Chimneys of Titanic were so big that 2 trains could easily move through it.
 40. Ears and nose are the only two organs that keep growing throughout our life span.
 41. Cows can climb up the stairs but cannot come down.
 42. Once Charlie Chaplin lost the competition "Charlie Chaplin Lookalike"
 43. In China there is city "Chongqing" which has separate lane for Mobile phone addicts.
 44. A female Lion hunts 90% of times in Pride of Lions.
 45. 2520 is the smallest number which can be divided by all digits from 1 to 10.
46. One Psychological research says that "You will always find happy couples when you are single" but once in a relationship "You will always find happy singles".
47. Nepal is the only country in the World which has never been a colony/slave to any other country.
48. Do you know the story behind blue colour of Facebook logo. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is color blind and cannot differentiate between red and green colour, hence the color 'Blue'.
49. Martial Art was founded in India and the Buddhist's spread it outside India.
50. If you spell from 1 to 1 lakh, you will not get the letter 'C' anywhere.
51. 'Karate' means 'Empty Hand'. Tackle your enemy empty handed.
52. Discords and fights at home have same effect on children's the effect war has on soldiers.
53. If you are happy, then you can manage with less sleep but if you are sad then you want to sleep for longer duration.
54. A good liar is also good at catching lies of others.
55. Our bones are 5 times stronger than steel metal.
56. A chewing gum not only helps in keeping our mind stable but also enables it to work better.
57. White House in America is not free even for its President. The President has to pay the bills for water and food every month.
58. The 100 richest persons globally earn so much money that the poverty if the World can removed 4 times.
59. The human the tounge also has unique prints like our fingerprints.

Don't keep these amazing facts to yourself...pass it on.

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